Just published: My Three Suicides: A Success Story...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

           “Gorilla Tour” coming: A nail-biters journal.

Saturday Feb 9. 

A day closer and my nails bitten down a little lower as I grow more nervous about whether my book will be ready in time. My publisher, (CreateSpace.com) has promised that a proof of the book will be ready by Feb 12. 

Even then it will be a tight squeeze to examine the book (312 pages), order copies, and have them printed and delivered by February 22nd, the day of my Musehouse Literary Arts Center public reading and signing. My debut for this book! 

Yesterday, a kind soul at the publisher, named Kristina, offered to see what she could do "to move it along." I was very touched (but vowed not to depend on it, if you know what I mean). Wish me luck.