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A memoir of how a young man's life was changed
because he dared to reach out to one of his heroes
and make contact with him.
I had the very good
luck of meeting the famous nature writer and philosopher Loren Eiseley when I
was a young high school teacher. I loved Eiseley's writings and started using a
few of his books, especially “The Immense Journey,” with my literature classes.
They enjoyed him so much they demanded that I invite him to visit their class
and talk to them in person.
For a while I resisted, not wanting
to bother such an esteemed and busy man. Eventually, through a very strange
happenstance, I was moved to write to our "favorite author." He wrote
back, he came to meet the class, he and I went to lunch afterward, and my life
has never been the same since.
With Loren Eiseley's encouragement,
and support, I quit high school teaching, entered the graduate program in
anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, and wound up studying wild
baboons in Kenya, East Africa.
More importantly, I had the
once-in-a-lifetime blissful experience of being
graced by the kind and brilliant
Loren Eiseley.
Length: 7500 words (about 25 pages). Personal memoir.
It is available only in ebook