Just published: My Three Suicides: A Success Story...

Just published: My Three Suicides: A Success Story (A Memoir)

Hugh Gilmore has been a teacher, an anthropologist who studied monkeys, a drama critic, a newspaper columnist, novelist and rare book seller. Now he’s written about what it’s like for a man to be both son and father while searching for the wisdom to do either of those tasks well.
            A stirring, humorous and compassionate tale about turning from  boy to man while seeking refuge from nuns, priests, poverty, shame, his drunken father and his religion-besotted mother. Told by an author who tried religion, bookishness, philosophy and sex before discovering the simple beauty of trust, love, and commitment. It is a tale of sadness, understanding, laughter and woe that ends with a death and a birth and a new life. An honest, amusing and beautiful book.

Recent reviews from Amazon

"This is an excellent, deeply provocative, and honest work of art. I strongly recommend it to anyone but particularly to anyone who has experienced the darkest side of despair. I've lived inside of the pages of this book for several days now. It has often been uncomfortable but interesting enough to make me follow the path. I was not prepared for where it led me. To borrow my grandfather's expression, "Sweet suffering s*** !" This is a book for anyone who has to survive the horrificably unimaginable. This book has something powerful to share. Thank you Hugh Gilmore. Well done."

"In honest moments, we look back over our most painful, most wonderful, most embarrassing moments and realize that they are the fabric of our lives. In 'My Three Suicides', Hugh Gilmore openly unfolds his for us. This is a wonderfully honest exploration of the life of one who has traveled far."

See a sample: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=my+3+suicides&sprefix=my+3+suicides%2Caps%2C218

1 comment:

  1. I live in Chestnut Hill and want to read several of your books, and especially the one above. I would like to come and buy a copy from you, if that's possible. I like to touch books and so would rather not get it from Amazon. Is there somewhere I can meet you. Do you still have the bookshop? Where? Thank you.
